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WE ARE EGYPTIANS .... full stop

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  • WE ARE EGYPTIANS .... full stop

    لا لإلغاء هوية مصر الإسلامية on facebook deleted all my comments, that was expected, those people likes the darkness and the light scares them because it enlighten their followers whom they want them to be kept in darkness and ignorance.

    Changing Egypt from a theocratic system to a secular system is a must to be hard battle for better Egypt. They want to use democracy to have control on the system like what Hamas have done in Gaza.

    Egypt was not, is not, and will not be an Arab nor a religious country, if some foreign idiologies defected our identities by force for centuries, that should not continue. All the Copts refuses the control of any religious system on Egypt, even if it is a christian system, christians support secular regime, this call is not anti Islam, it’s simply anti theocracy, it’s time to know who are we and be proud of it, which in fact is so great,,,, WE ARE EGYPTIANS (full stop)

    No more Pharaohs to worship, no more Clergy to lead us, we know our way, WE WILL RULE.

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