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Good morning my children

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • Good morning my children

    Good morning my children,
    I am the Lord your God.
    Today I will be handling all of your problems.
    Please remember that I do not need your help.
    If the devil happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot
    handle, DO NOT attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it in the SFJTD box
    (Something For Jesus to Do). It will be addressed in My time, not yours.
    Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold on to it or attempt
    to remove it. Holding on or removal will delay the resolution of your
    problem. If it is a situation that you think you are capable of
    handling, please consult me in prayer to be sure that it is the proper
    Because I do not sleep nor do I slumber, there is no need for you to
    lose any sleep. Rest my child. If you need to contact me, I am only a
    prayer away.
    Love eternally,
    The Lord your God
    (Your Father)
    “ Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.) 1 Peter 5:7 ) “

    نائلين غاية ايمانكم خلاص النفوس . 1 بطرس 1:9

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