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Precious Seed—God’s Powerful Promises!

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  • Precious Seed—God’s Powerful Promises!

    The Word of God tells us that the God we serve is moved when He sees His children do the unusual in faith. In fact, the Bible is filled with accounts of men and women who did the unusual to move the hand of God.

    The Unusual

    Noah was a man who did the unusual. He lived on the earth at a time when there was no rain. Since the day God created the earth, it had not rained, nor had there been any floods. Yet the time came when God came to Noah, telling him that it was going to rain and that He was going to destroy the wicked with a flood. Noah, at that moment, did the unusual. In obedience to God, he and his sons began building the ark, even as the wicked must have mocked and ridiculed them. The usual would have been to ignore God’s command, since it had never rained. But Noah did the unusual, and as a result, he brought salvation to his household.

    David was another man we who did the unusual when he faced Goliath. The army of Israel had been defied by the giant. Thousands of men stood in fear of Goliath. None knew what to do. That is the usual response. But David came, obeying the Lord, never doubting for one moment that God would give him the victory. He defeated Goliath because he was willing to do the unusual.

    Mary, the mother of our Lord, was a woman who did the unusual. She was told by the angel Gabriel that she would become the mother of the Son of God. The usual would have been not to believe. The usual would have been to worry about what Joseph would think. What would the neighbors think? What would they do to her? By law, they would have had to stone her. But she did the unusual. She believed God.

    The apostles also did the unusual when they disobeyed the rulers of Israel. After the Day of Pentecost as they began preaching the Gospel, they were commanded by the authorities not to preach in the name of Jesus. Preaching in His name would have meant prison, would have meant persecution, and maybe even death. But the apostles did the unusual and obeyed God instead.

    It is time that we begin to do the unusual for our glorious Lord and King, for He does not respond to the usual. He only responds to the unusual.

    Your Unusual Seed

    It is time we step out and do the unusual with our giving, for unusual days are here. God is looking for a people who will do the unusual with Him and for Him.

    I am asking you today to sow an unusual seed, believing God for an unusual harvest. As you do this, I believe you will see extraordinary miracles come your way.

    The days ahead are dark for the world and bright for you!

    As you serve our wonderful Lord Jesus by doing what He asks of you, no evil will befall you nor will any plague come near your dwelling.

    For souls,

    Benny Hinn
    يا مسلم و يا من ولدت مسيحياً ..و يا ملحد .. إياكم و أن تؤخروا خلاصكم يوماً واحداً لانه من يموت دون ان يعلن المسيح رباً و مخلصاً و يقبل فداؤه فمصيره جهنم
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