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Converting Kirk Cameron

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  • Converting Kirk Cameron

    Converting Kirk Cameron
    "I was rich, I was young, I was famous, I could do anything I wanted with whomever I wanted." - Kirk Cameron
    BELLFLOWER, California - At the height of his Hollywood success, former "Growing Pains" sitcom star Kirk Cameron started worrying about something his money couldn't buy: salvation.
    He had more than just legions of fanatic fans. He also had stalkers and kidnapping threats, and was sometimes driven to the set in a bulletproof car. It got him thinking about his own mortality. He had it all, but still felt empty.

    Kirk Cameron reaches a new audience these days through his Christian radio show, television show, and Web site.
    "I was raised not going to church. We never prayed — didn't know how. Are you supposed to close your eyes, keep them open? Look up? Look down? Get on my knees? What do I do?"
    Cameron started reading the bible and going to church. He became a Christian, but says his transition had some growing pains of its own.
    On the set of his hit show, the easy-going prankster became detached and sullen. Once close to the other cast members, he pulled away from them all — except his co-star and fellow Christian, Chelsea Noble, whom he married in 1991.
    He also started taking issue with some of the show's writing. One script called for his TV mom to have a nightmare in which Cameron's character, Mike Seaver, wakes up next to a beautiful girl and says, "Hey, babe. Good morning. By the way, what's your name again?"
    Cameron balked, pushing for the writers to change the scene. They refused. Cameron says he wasn't trying to push his religious views on the show. He just didn't want to compromise his newfound moral principles.
    When the series was cancelled after a long and successful run, he continued acting, but began taking roles on low-budget Christian films, most notably the rapture-based "Left Behind" series based on the best-selling books.
    A few years later, after reading one of his books, he met New Zealander Ray Comfort, a former surf shop owner-turned-roving preacher.
    They teamed up to form Way of the Master Ministries.
    Comfort says his ministry was already taking off, but the partnership with Cameron was like putting it on steroids.
    Cameron says his priorities are very clear: "God, family, career — in that order."
    "Both Kirk and myself are amazed at his celebrity," says Comfort. "How powerful it is when you call an organization and say 'Hello, this is Kirk Cameron.' They say, 'Oh Kirk, I loved "Growing Pains."' It's such a wonderful door."
    They have harnessed Comfort's writing and Cameron's celebrity to create a small multimedia empire that is in service of a hardcore fundamentalist message: Accept Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior or you will not get to heaven.

    Wonderful testimony I translated and you can read it in many sites. May God bless you for His glory.

    Alfred F. Samuel
    D. Min. Studies - Fuller
    Evangelical Pastor
    القس / الفريد فائق صموئيل
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    D. Min. Studies, Fuller

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